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The start menu looks great and has a nice soundtrack, its simple but has everything it needs, and the gameplay is addictive and doesn’t feel all that repetitive even with it’s simple concept.

The movement is snappy, and the guns feel nice, the only downside for me is there is no jump in game. Having the guns switch with the timer provide some well needed randomness which increases the difficulty, but by adding in a preview of the next weapon it does not leave the player stranded and gives them enough time to prepare. The UI of Killbox is simple and easily understandable, works dose the job.

The games map is great, it has distinguishable parts and good enemy spawn point locations. I didn’t have any problems with areas where enemies would be too easy or too hard to kill. All weapons had their own areas at which they were the most efficient in. The overall style of the game is simple but consistent and fitting for the vibe of a brutal game show with a slit eery feeling.

Killbox has a lot of things going for it in visual effects and sound, first the music is catchy and gets stuck in your head even after playing, the epic and dramatic soundtrack adds to the action of the game play. Then there are the VFX, which look great in the environment and adds to the over all experience of the weapons along with the SFX, this gives all the different weapons a bit of their own personality.

Gameplay wise I like these sort of simple games with the soul objective of surviving, but the game needs some interesting content and killbox delivers. With different enemies that on death have different debuffs on surrounding enemies, a nuke enemy, and weapons that also can give different debuffs to them, combine all that with a scaled difficulty over time played you can quickly get hooked and play for 1h straight while trying while to get the high score. A problem that I have noticed is with the colour scheme of the different enemy types it might not be easily accessible since all enemies share the same model and are only distinguishable by colour, someone with colour blindness might have a tough time.

In conclusion I found the game fun and visually pleasing; I could see myself playing this more often, it has a nice arcade feel to it. Regarding pricing, if this would ever get released on steam, I believe I would probably buy it if its around 5 bucks, but may get a bit disappointed with the overall amount of content since after an hour or two you can master the game, and it could get old, might suggest adding just a bit more variety to make it a hit.