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Long time GM, looking over the game sheet this looks to be a lot of fun for a group that is very improv based, but that seems to be the basis for Lasers and Feelings whish this was based off. I would have liked to see more decisiveness in how the Bein' Cool and the Doin' S**t  works, and what each of the two allow you to do as right now some of the options are vague. For example finding? is this like locating an item/toy, a kid that's lost? But generally looks like a few hours of some holiday fun! 

Thanks so much for the feedback! With Bein' Cool and Doin' Shit I was only giving examples/suggestions of what the players could potentially be doing. I was just trying to explain that Bein' Cool is using your head and Doin' Shit is using your body with some examples! I guess that didn't really come across? haha