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I haven't gotten to chapter 3 yet but I just finished chapter 2 and IT'S SO GOOD?? Sorry I just had to come here to gush about it because gosh you did wonderful on the writing!

Spoilers (for chapter 2) below

That amusement park really left me feeling emotional. It's so heartwarming and I truly love the friendship between Fay, Hendrix, and Edmund, as their friendship really feels natural. I find myself looking forward to seeing more of them. Most of the otome games I've seen or just in romance stories in general, whenever there's two guys who likes the MC, there's usually this rivalry and tension (which can be done well, but I'm just so tired of that trope LMAO, so this is really refreshing). I'm glad that both Hendrix and Edmund are both friendly towards each other and I love their interaction as well (I sound like a broken record at this point lol)! I also can't decide who's my favorite anymore, they're all just so equally loveable...

Not only the friendship between Hendrix, Fay, and Edmund- I also enjoyed the relationship between Lisa and Fay. I think you're good at writing interactions tbh, because all of them are on point imo! Going through chapter 2 has honestly been a really comfortable and wholesome ride (well, aside from tense and darker scenes...)

And also, the CGs are so beautiful. I've said this once, but I'll say it again, I truly love your art style. It's so pretty, I even had it as my desktop background LMAOO

I'll be back after I finish chapter 3, but please do know that all your hardwork is seriously paying off because this game is a banger so far! Thank you so much for all of your hardwork!!


Sylvan!!! I was waiting for your reply hehehe~ I'm very happy you like that part! Can't wait for your feedback once you complete Act 1 :)

(3 edits) (+2)

Omg I finally got back to this and just finished Hendrix's route for chapter 3 and WHAT??

Spoilers below!

There's no way you just gave us a heartwarming, happy christmas scene and suddenly I see Hendrix's dead body. We literally just kissed the guy 10 minutes before that, PLEASEE. This game is really good at making me feel happy one moment and shocked/sad the next moment, istg.

So I fully focused on Hendrix for my first run. Haven't started with Edmund, but I'll definitely give it a go once I have more time. Hendrix's route was super sweet. I'm a huge sucker for the childhood friend trope, especially when done well. But Edmund himself is also really fun, it's really hard to choose between the two of them ;; Thank god the load button exists huh?

Aside from that, what I really love the most of this game is- once again, is how comfy this game feels (despite some of the death and all). This game has a really unique, somewhat nostalgic vibe to it. I can't really put it into words, but your art, character interaction, choice of music, and background all contribute to it. I also said that I love the friendship in this game and I still stand by my words. I didn't think I'd like Lana and Sky that much (at first I just thought "oh, new side characters, okay"), but they're just the sweetest, their friendship feels really natural and genuine. I LOVE that night sky scene so, so much, and also their talk about fate.

Also, I gotta say this again. I still think it's crazy how you're able to write, draw, and provide SO MUCH content for this game. Your hardwork and love for this project is really inspiring. Once again, thank you for sharing this gem with us!!

Edit: And also that menu screen changing was SO GOOD

Hi Sylvan!!! Thanks for your reply :) When you say you like 'how comfy this game feels'... Okay, Act 2 & 3 will have a bunch of angst, so get prepared for that hahahaha~ 

TROT is much different now compared to what I initially planned to create; the story and characters have grown together and more complex during development. I am excited to see what we will have in Act 2 :)