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(1 edit)

Went to get the patreon version since it is VERY unclear what to do with the free one. Still playing through it. Enjoying the game, surprising amount of effort went into it.

Only downside so far: cat. I agree with Bastet (at this point in the story): I hate cats. Hope I don't see too much of the cat. Dang things are liable to infect your brain with toxoplasma gondii.

Keep it up!

Glad you liked!
but I don't think the tips I give are that unclear...  if you are reading the text you most likely will have a very good tip, sometimes I even put in orange the text saying what you have to do.

For the cat, I know how dangerous toxoplasmosis can be, even more near kids, that is why I asure you the cat is vacined and the kids are protected by the Goddess of health and good habits.