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I wasn't a big fan of the controls to be honest but the graphics and sound were both pretty great. Nicely done!

Thanks for playing! What do you not like about the controls?


I found them a little unwieldy when paired with bullet hell mechanics. I think it would feel a bit more like I'm in control of the character if I could easily make small position adjustments. The ice skating was visually very impressive though. It definitely looks very smooth but feels weird when you're frantically clicking trying to dodge snowballs. Could just be a skill issue tho :P


Oh! I tried to replicate the style of MOBA games like League of Legends and DOTA where you repeatedly right-click to make any adjustment to your character. I can see how non-moba players will struggle at first, thanks for the heads-up!

Yup I definitely do NOT come from a moba background lmao. I played your game a little bit more and I think the main area where I struggle is that the direction of your attack is completely tied to the direction of movement. I'm not sure if that's exactly how mobas work but I would personally find it easier to control movement with WASD and aiming with the mouse.