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I really liked the summoning the void mechanic, and when I was told to open the map I was surprised by how big it is!  

I think one piece of feedback I have is these platforms pictured might be a sliver too far apart from each other.  I noticed it looked like the character only got up because of what I assume was the capsule collider catching the edge and popping me up.  It's good that you have that quality of life feature to help platforming though!  The music was choppy for me, but it sounded good.  I dunno if that's intentional or a webgl bug.

Awesome job!

(1 edit)

The music being choppy might be a WebGL issue, what browser were you using if I might ask? Thanks for the heads up on the capsule collider bit! I knew in my testing it was pretty close and narrow gap to ascend those platforms haha. 


Google Chrome, version 120.0.6099.72

(2 edits)

Hmm, that's weird I know there's some chop in the music I believe during scene transition (that's my error I think events got reloaded instead of being kept active during initial menu -> game scene loading). It was choppy during normal gameplay though? I haven't run into any choppiness past that initial load though on my Chrome or Edge that I tested! Not sure what's going on if so.