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(1 edit)

This game has a very thought-through storyline but how you get to it is a bit more complicated. When I played it I would constantly get stuck and trying to figure out where I needed to go was hard which could be improved by giving a bit more direction with waypoints. Getting places is a bit tedious especially if it's far away since there is no teleportation to get to places faster. When running those long distances it's hard, you'll keep trying to use WASD instead of the mouse since that's how games usually work on computers. I feel like this game would work better on a phone or something that is based on touch screen but when it's on the computer it's weird to get used to. 

This game has a variety of enemies but is mostly based on goblets. The progression of the weapons and how good they are compared to how good the goblins are is very uneven sometimes. Playing the game, you'll see that when you come across an enemy, they'll either be too strong for you or a bit challenging to get through without having health potions. When it comes to health potions you don't get them enough for the number of times you're getting hit. Eventually, you'll just die because of how little health you have compared to how many potions you have. The challenging aspects can be fun, but it gets a bit laborious when it's repeated. Overall, the game is fun, and it does reward you when you do good things which is very helpful for motivating the player.