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The game is fun, and I do think that the developers tried their hardest to make a fun and engaging game. The game is fun most of the time but sometimes it can get boring as the enemy's sometimes feel a little too spaced out and encounters no matter what enemy type you are fighting all usually have the same attacks. There are different types but other than the archers they are all the same, just more or less health or attack damage. The enemy models are cool and interesting, and the different enemy groups or factions all have different looking models, but as I said they all have similar attack damage. However, this game does not feel like it was made by a bunch of lazy people who didn’t try. Instead, it feels like a game that had a lot of thought put into it. Like lots of side quests and weapons. 

Although there are some bugs in the game. Like being able to walk through doors that you do not have the key for. Another one was one where the wizard ezmore wouldn’t continue to talk to me and give me the key so I couldn’t continue to play the game even after restarting it over and over again. But in the end I do think that this was a game made by talented new developers that most of the time was fun and engaging.