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Absolutely beautiful and well-composed! It definitely feels fitting for a JRPG game and I can hear how some of the other inspirations you mentioned are present in the piece.

The themes presented are very strong and well-written. The piece flows very nicely and feels connected. The accompaniment is also very satisfying and I love how you use different textures to get more versatility. The key change is very tasteful. I feel like you managed to present a lot of different things while still having a completely coherent piece.

I think if I had any comments on the composition itself it might be to extend the ending a bit, and maybe add a coda. It works perfectly fine as it is now and choosing to not resolve is a choice I wouldn't necesseraly change. With the structure, it works very well as a loop making it perfect for a video game etc. But if anything maybe have another transition/coda/ section from the last B section to the outro.

My main feedback, or maybe more request, would be in regards to the mix/producing/programming. Not gonna go on a tangent but so far I feel like there are almost three different categories of submission for this jam:

1. Submissions that try to write a realistic solo piano piece.

2. Submissions that use the piano more as a sketch for a larger piece, treating the piano-less of a solo instrument and more of an orchestra.

3. Submissions that are more atmospheric, and focused on the sound itself (often with a ton of reverb).

For me, I try to judge and give some kind of feedback for the kind of style the piece tries to fit into (of course this is all subjective to me and the categories exist more on a spectrum). For your piece, the composition seems very piano-like and I'd put it into the first category. But, the mix/producing makes it feel more fitting for category 3 and this for me clashes a bit. I'd love to hear this piece with way less reverb and maybe a different piano. Especially some low parts gets a bit muddy which is I find sad since it's so well written! There are also many parts where having more staccato or just a more accented feel (both for the melody but especially some of the left-hand parts) would elevate the final product to an even higher level. I also think less reverb (and pedal in general) would give more contrast between the piano and forte sections. For example, the beginning works perfectly with a lot of pedal, the around 2:31 this part would I'd love to hear with almost no pedal (maybe even use the una corda pedal) and then when the left-hand joins in add a tiny pedal and lastly have a grand climax in the end. There are a lot of great pianist to listen to but to recommend something less classical (kinda) listen to Animenz Unravel rendition and pay attention to the use of pedaling/phrasing.

Sorry for a bit long comment and of course these are just my thoughts and not necessarily the "truth".

In the end, I find your piece insanely well composed and I love it. I'll make sure to listen to more of your stuff. If you ever remake this piece or get it recorded, please let me know!