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Super cute game, I liked the overall style, and it seems pretty polished with a nice main menu and how 2 play etc, as well as the character menu in game, to see all ur little guys and their levels. It's got that cookie clicker addictive element. I planned to just check it out real quick and was playing for like 15-20 min (which is long for me). There's ways where this game could be even more fun I feel (but with the timeframe it's not really a critiscm). Like what if the different character types gave some seperate types of upgrades, besides just producing faster. There's already an awesome character menu the player could view these traits in. And I wanna make more buildings :), maybe even place them down yourself and you can construct your own little village (although I will admit that seeing the characters bounce off eachother is pretty fun, so maybe just place the buildings yourself). For this you would ofcourse need more space, and it might not even be the right direction for the game, but that's just what I feel. I don't know shit about games, this is my first jam haha. Is this comment way too long? Anyways very cozy, polished, addictive game, it made me wanna get to the most expensive building :D.

Wow that's good to hear, I am glad you enjoyed it! Your comment is not too long and the feedback is greatly appreciated. We definitely had lots of fun stretch goals or ideas. Some of the main ones are:

  • For buildings, we wanted to make it more of a top down view with more rows for buildings, and manually place and sell buildings.
  • Villagers make different resources
  • Villager movement/animations/AI to have them milling about or doing activities
  • Different buildings give bonuses to specific villager types
  • Buy/place decorations
  • Feed the villagers different treats

Our idea to match the "Better Together" theme was to have more of a village simulator with villagers working together.