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first what i didn't like. Some parts were frustrating, specially cuz i kept falling in that big section with the 2 npcs and the unskipable dialogs kept triggering just because i was holding the z or the up keys. The last part required some really precision gameplay but the controls didn't felt that precise so i died a lot before finally clearing  it, and  i never got used to the rope mechanic.

apart from that it was a great experience, i have not seen a game with the story so fleshed out like this one. The music was pretty good. The  art, despite the sprite sizes being all over the place, it didn't bother me that much and was good enough for gameplay purposes. And the level design, excluding what i mentioned earlier,  was great in general.

You did a great job with this game, i also made my game in c++ but i didn't do a web version cuz i didn't know how and didn't have the time to learn how to, but you inspired me to make one next time.