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I know u have completed some content and hot scenes for Leslie already, but could you maybe add some scenes where she and the son fuck or she gives handjobs or blowjobs to the son while in the presence of her husband or some close call hot quickies with the son while the husband is doing something.

U know just like the porn scene of Johnny Sinns who acted as a burglar entering Cassidy Banks home where she catches him but gets rammed by him while her boyfriend was busy trynna check out the house for any signs of the burglar not knowing that she was being dicked hard by the burglar 🤣🤣🤣...

Or maybe some male character in the game that's also trynna seduce and bang Leslie or her sister, that induces the MC to up his game or let them get dicked 😅😅😅.... U know just some ideas coz honestly I really love the game and the story content.

I'm sure sex scenes between them will happen but I think thats the purpose of the delay in it happening. Kind of like a tease for the main event type ideal, I wouldn't be surprised if the Sister and brother do it before the Mom and son. Either way, I'm looking forward to it.