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Amazing presentation! The art and audio is extremely impressive for how short the jam was! The game play is also quite good. The ship movement felt fluid, and the varying modes were interesting to switch between. Unfortunately I realized I could skip through all the main enemies, so I didn't feel very motivated to fight them. The final boss though was really cool! I gave it 3 or 4 attempts, but without a health bar it was difficult to tell how much progress I had made. There were also a few bugs, like the game's UI gets misaligned on my larger monitor, and it seems like the player gets frozen when the second phase of the boss starts, which I had to mash a bunch of buttons to get out of. I would also have liked more feedback from shooting the bullets, since there was little to no sound effect , and enemies were sometimes difficult to differentiate from the background and bullets. Again though, the game is such a treat to treat to see and hear that it was still overall a fun experience.