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(1 edit)

I had tons of fun playing Ezmore’s Crystals, as it is an open world Adventure game with tons of quests to complete. The starting quests were great for getting you started with the game, learning the combat and controls. I really enjoyed the customizable characters and the style of the game, including the world-building. I think all these aspects brought the game to life. 

There were a few aspects of this game that I think could be improved or changed, the first one being the movement. I would have preferred to be able to use my keyboard to move, specifically WASD or arrow keys. Although the mouse movement is good, it is sometimes difficult to use without being able to change the camera angles. There were times when trees would get in the way of my screen, and I wouldn’t be able to get out or move anywhere else. Another thing I thought could be improved is the size of the dialog. The test was quite small and close together, so some things were hard to read. Finally, I had trouble finding certain quests and where I was supposed to go. For some, it took me a lot of exploring until I could finally find my objective, since I couldn’t move my map around to see things out of range. 

Some things I really liked about this game were the comical NPC comments and replies. I also really liked how most of the controls were easy to figure out. My favourite part of this game would be the style and world-building. I enjoyed being able to customize my character with buyable outfits or armor styles. I feel like this really added to the game overall. I liked the world-building since the map was simple yet, though there were some spots I would get stuck.