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Need help.

Pride and presidents quest will never finish. I need to recruit additional students. How?

Amy - number (6) I spoke with her tuesday morning and we just went to the locker room. The task is still incomplete. - Where do I find her magazine?

I also played soccer until they all played bottomless 3 times.

I also dont know how to get rachel to the medium dildo

and I cant advance priti. I've done seemingly everything. I have repeated the cafeteria scene and punishments over and over

I also found the bra on the beach and nothing happened after

Deleted 175 days ago

Few things (If you are still around looking and reading this)

The magazine regarding Amy is found through Headmaster PC, searching and what not. That is the tip I have

Rachel's medium dildo should be able to be brought from the PC as well if I remember correctly (Sorry if it is not cause I haven't played it for awhile now).