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I've tried the recent update and here's some feedback!

+I've completed the first mission, the game's great! I'm not sure if the difficulty was lowered, but this time I thought more on upgrades and played in a more intelligent way. Still died like two times, but all fun!

+Speaking of lives, I got to have 5 revives, which I think could be a lot, but considering this is just mission 1, deepending on how fast difficulty escalates, it could be okay for last missions.

+Final boss looks so good and the battle feels epic. I'm not sure if deleting all enemies right when the final boss appears could be a good or bad idea; it keeps certain difficulty and makes you need to pay attention to the boss as well as the pink and elite enemies.

So in general I think the game is great for now!


Thank you for your trial play and feedback.

The difficulty has not been reduced, but the game will naturally become easier as you become more familiar with it. In the official version, there will be ways to enhance basic abilities, which also helps to make the difficulty easier.

The original first version had a feature for the Boss to eliminate enemy planes, but we later felt that it made the overall game too easy and thus too boring.