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(1 edit)

This game is terrifying, intriguing, and beautiful, much like the dark entity who you speak with. The existentialism I was able to very much resonate with, and the additions to the narrative (visuals and sounds) were able to really enhance my experience and the atmosphere of the story. Both characters felt very consistent and engaging, and I enjoyed the "safety net" mechanic of the candles which was then sort of turned against you at the end. My favorite thing to imagine was how the darkness character would react over which questions I chose to skip using the candle, hehe. Very cohesive, emotional, and highly engaging!

I kept running into an unfortunate bug where, when the candles were presented to me, I couldn't scroll down far enough to reach the options and I was forced to restart. This is purely a mechanical issue; no fault of yours, but it unfortunately drained my patience. I only found one ending but I really want to go back and play more!