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saw game, played it but skipped all the text, halfway I realised the game is actually fucking great, started over because I want to enjoy the dialog

One word... WAW. I really mean it. This is one of those games that looks great, has potencial and is different from other of the same genre. 


- It uses assets that I haven't seen in any other game yet. Which was a good thing for me since I just finished 2 other games that all shared about 30% of assets.

- Different story from others. When replaying the game and reading the dialog it felt like a breath of fresh air. Something new and fresh and I really enjoyed it alot.

- In most games there are always some characters that really just don't sit with me, but in this game they all clicked to me. I liked everyone.

- The scenes were really good. I really enjoyed them. Wished there was more but I was happy with what I got.


- Crops aren't really balanced at all. You unlock better crops overtime, but you soon realise that spam farming radish is still the best for making money. Same could be said with "improving" the crops. You need to use so many crops to "improve" them its not really worth it.

- Task board is too much. While yes, you can do them,but by the time you get the crops to finish it, its gone. I would suggest extending the time on them or having the option to accept them. So you would accept the task, and after accepting it it wouldn't go away until you complete it.

- The time skip is weird and unussable at all. You click it and it skips to night. I got my milk stolen by it so many times.

- The amount of money needed for the car. Its kinda alot and takes long time to farm, but its still manageable.

- Energy system is fine, because I liked how it sort of forced me to think what am I gonna do instead of doing like 15 missions in 1 day. The way you increase it is a mixed bag, its great that it uses energy points to form more Energy, but after certain amount it becomes expensive and not worth it.


- Gallery or have it so every girl has all scenes replayable. I was quite shocked when I didnt saw a gallery but was optimistic because there was a chance all scenes would be replayeble but soon i realised not all scenes can be replayed. The scenes I miss being replayable are Bianca Isabella MC on couch, MC Bianca Marian 3some, Other Isabella MC night scenes (using Sophia lingerie, naked 69, handjob)

- Since condoms are kinda needed to prevent the girl from getting pregnant, why not add another option in the form of birth control pill? It would work something like this: You tell the girl to start taking them, and you will pay every Sunday for the "refill" and you can tell them at anytime to stop taking them. In my opinion this would be a good side solution for those who dont feel like going to the store every week to restock on condoms.

Overall I would rate the game a solid 4,5/5. It would be a 4 because of all the stuff in 2nd and 3rd part, but it gets a 4,5 because the base game is sooo good and the Dev takes his/her own time to read and reply to comments people leave, which not alot of Devs do. The sad part is I really wanna donate, but can't afford it right now, maybe in the future. 

Great job Mr.FarmGuy making this one of a kind game and I wish you best of luck with future updates.

PS. Because I played this game a while back, I might have missed some stuff,  but I'll add them in comments if I remember.

Glad you liked so many things about my game!

As for your negative points, many of them are being addressed very soon, like the gallery.

For the time skip, you only have a working turn and night, I wanted to make it simple but maybe I will have to go back to a 3 turns system.

The birth control pill is a very nice idea, maybe I can find a way to add it!

A solution to time skip could be to add feature/function where you can "rest" at the bench in front of the house, maybe at the farm area or the pocket dimension and it would skip a working turn.

Also I don't know how I forgot to mention this but the map is a bit weird to use. There were alot of times I clicked on the wrong part of the map when I used the drag function to select an area. Maybe have a dedicated image of the city/map with clickable areas or have the locations in a "3x3 grid" pattern with a side scroll.

Lastly this is just my personal thing but I know alot of people like big titty girls, but did you ever consider a normal breast size girl? 

There will be a form of rest in this next patch as a new map model too.

As for the big titty girls, there are lots of small ones, Himari, Amy, Isabella to name a few, but when in  cow form they need to be big :D