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抱歉,我无法通过 Google 翻译理解您的意思。


According to the notice issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, domestic stocks and newly accessed APPs and applets need to be filed, and the software that has not been filed will not be downloaded. As far as it is known, the software can only be downloaded from the app store in the future, and those that have not been filed will not be accessible.

Thanks for explaining.
If a problem appears, I will find a solution.

This game is done very well, and the author hopes you can find a way to deal with it



China has issued a new policy that requires all applications to be registered. Games like yours are unlikely to be registered, so Chinese players will not be able to play them in the future

For some reasons, players in China may not be able to play in the future
