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Allow me to provide a few words of encouragement and some random thoughts.

Even at this raw and buggy stage it is a lot of fun. Well done.  

About game setting. There is seems to be no reasons to have fantasy elements (mentions of orcs and magic exists, but no visuals; and even the leprechaun shop owner could be some (extremely) short old man). Maybe you have different plans, but as it is, the game fits more in the medieval setting which I think has more value by virtue of being rare (there is a bunch of games in fantasy setting already).

Corruption system is alright. Maybe it is reasonable to add something like a church or other way to fight corruption of the character (Agnes) or somewhat restore her prudishness.


I've yet to donate, so don't take my opinions as buyer's directions. Paying through is kind of pain. If it is possible, consider adding crypto wallet address? And I'll drop a few bucks for the next update.

So far you're doing great and I wish you luck in development.