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General design:

  • The movement is good, both player control and camera tracking.
    • I found the vertical view limited, in that there often wasn't a way to tell if going down would mean death or a floor/platform without trial-and-error. Sometimes that's the design intent but thought I'd mention in case its not.
  • I'm not clear if there's a goal other than reaching the level exit. 
  • I didn't find the icons for +1 clone and level exits intuitive. I read the cabinet(?) props as doors and expected the gold dot to be some kind of pickup and not the level exit.


  • The screen strobing is very distracting and hard to look at, and it was still going constantly in L4 where I quit. Please consider limiting the strobes, maybe just to in-level 'light fixtures'. Rotating (non-flashing) alarm lights are a common way to get the vibe I think you're going for.

Possible bugs: [played in MS Edge 119.0.2151.97]

  • I could not find a keyboard button to access the menu after starting the game. 
  • Hurt sound seems unaffected by volume settings
  • Volume settings do not mute when at minimum
  • In L1 I was able to collect both clone pickups, but after splitting both,  collecting the second screen shakes and drags the camera to the white 'player and clone' wall picture, until split again.
    • This may be an instruction (you can only have one clone?), or;
    •  may be a variant of the "Player cannot split if another spawn is already in the scene" with a different input sequence.

Understood, thank you for the feedback.

It is a design choice, but of course it's not that much of an ask to telegraph vertical environment features. I will work on it.
So far, the only goal is to complete each level.
Understood, I'll most likely change the art assets in the future.

I didn't consider it that much of an issue, I figured it was slow enough to not cause any medical concern. But I will look into an option to change it or turn it off outright in the future.

That's cause there isn't one ;P (yet!)
Yeah sorry about that, none of the actual settings set anything, I didn't have time to properly implement options. This will be worked on in the future.
I am unsure what you mean by this, but I am going to assume it falls under the pre-existed bug.

Again, thank you for your feedback!! :D