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Hola, recién estoy empezando a jugar la versión 0.2.0 y quiero conseguir los bailes, alguien sabe si obtienen con el scaner o como se consiguen?

Hello, I'm just starting to play version 0.2.0 and I want to get the dances, does anyone know if they can be obtained with the scanner or how to get them?

You can't unlock them because when you end the night in 2.0  the game crashes and doesn't save that you unlocked something

Es correcto pero si consigues algún baile o video de YOUHUBE si se guarda de alguna manera aunque se CRASHEE el juego. Así que no hay problema ahí.



I can't sign in to the fap nights at frennies discord because there are no British phone numbers like +44 so I can't message can you send me a screenshot of all the jump scares you can get up to version 2.0 please.

How strange, even when the game crashes on the loading screen at the end of the night or for losing if it saves what I got, I already have several poses and videos