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I watched a playthrough of this game a long time ago, but kinda forgot some parts (I did in fact remember them real fast- It's really hard to forget), but I really wanted to play this myself and feel everything for myself (I was scared that it would be hard, plus I'm no pro gamer, but it was just fine) and recently I was really obsessed with the idea to play all the games from this developer, sooo... I just finished it! And I must say- This is absolutely beautiful- from the art and interface to the story. I really loved how the characters interacted, I felt really connected to them fast. And the story! so touching!! (I actually teared up) It's so complicated (on an emotional spectrum) yet so clear (in a way that's like- you know what and when something happend, and don't go crazy overthing what actually happend and what's the order of the events). There's just two endings but I think it's pretty much enough. It was so painful to see one of the endings and I was so so happy at another one- I mean, I guess I'm a sensitive person, but I do find it fascinating how one ending is so... different from another and how each of them caused me to feel the absolute opposite emotions. I just.. love this so much. Thank you for this game (for all the games. They're all awesome).