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(1 edit)

1. It "should" comes out this mounth

2. No. you need to download it again, game saves automatically to registry, so if you didn't updated your PC you won't lose your progress.

Oh i hope you are right Zuxoll Because at the moment there still working on the 2.2 update but some people are getting pretty mad at them right now and calling them "Scammers".

The only reason it taking them so long to uploaded on patreon is there must of been a issues with the new update right now they have gone silent.

What about you zuxoll what you opinion on this ????

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The only mad and impatient people I've seen are those who want the new version for free.

Game is being developed by two people so it's obvious that bug fixes will take some time.

Oh i see i didn’t know that there are only two people well thanks for your input zuxoll.