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Nicely done
Level feels massive and well-crafted, mechanics are interesting and fun
Here is a bit of feedback, though, that I hope you will find useful

-Checkpoints - maybe that's me, but i have missed a couple along the way, because they were somwhere not along my way. Maybe try making checkpoints in doors instead of dedicated points somwhere aside, so you won't have to go an "extra mile" to aquire them. Like in Sonic- checkpoints are always along the way and you not even aware sometimes that you got one, because of that

-Melee damage registration feels a bit punishing, maybe because of animation or vfx. Melee hit vfx starts long before damage registration, and finishes on it, it feels. I suggest you don't use trails for that, but fixed vfx slash, occurring as soon as damage is registrating, and lingering for couple of frames for impact.  And animations in general, though great, could use a bit of timing adjustment. Generally in such an action-packed games- you don't have time for anticipation, intended action must occur as soon as player presses input, so a bit of a windup on dash, for example, feels a bit sluggish, manageable, but sluggish

-Also dash, maybe, could have disabled collision to dash trough enemies, though the way it works now may be intended

-Richochet is a great mechanic, but lacks a bit of clarity (when it's available?) and controls are a bit weird, I suggest you start aiming first shot as soon as player presses E, then richochet with RMB, double input on first shot seems unnecessery

Hope I wasn't too harsh, because you did a great job there, It really looks like a well made prortotype, music is great, switching music for battle is great, environment is great, really solid work.