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(1 edit)

Hey Daniel you made one little error about the scanner it only give you the poses for the girls, youhube videos, and money that all the scanner give you. For the dance if i remember correctly mastermax mention that you have to let one of the girls go on stage and they dance for you (please note you have to watch from a distance) also he made it clear that fexa does not dance at all.

There one more thing i like to mention mastermax also said that there a youhube video of frenni that is very hard to get and that video almost completely drove mastermax insane.

Oh and sorry if I offend you.

Es gracioso por que entre los item que me salieron solo fueron bailes de todas las chicas menos Fexa claro, poses y eso, a día de hoy conseguí algo ya pero es cansado y no logro llevarlas al escenario porque hago misiones para el dinero. Así que como desde un inicio desbloquee eso ya no me es necesario esa acción. Lo de youhube ya es imposible.

Alguna noticia sobre la actualización.  Ojalá salga :(((

Oh lord even i don't know anything sorry. The only 2 thing i can think of why the new update has not drop on patreon yet 1: there doing some final touches to the game and making sure there no issues, or 2: they might have run into some issues and trying to find where they are and fixing them.

To tell you the truth daniel i have no idea if it number 1 or 2 that is the problem but at the moment the dev went dark so all we can do is wait and hopefully it will be uploaded sooner or later again sorry my friend.