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Fun concept. I actually really like most of the art, very stylized and fits the game really well. Gameplay was a bit clunky. I would suggest shrinking the colliders of some of the obstacles, the box collider extended pretty far out from what I would expect that obstacle to reach, so I died a lot to seemingly air, basically. I would also suggest speeding it up a bit. This may just be my bias, as I tend to lean towards speedrunning preferences, but the chasing did feel a tad slow. This reminds me of a really fun flash game. Has potential to be a fun game to sink some boredom into with a few tweaks to the chasing gameplay primarily. The mixing gameplay at the start was pretty rudimentary and kinda hard to figure out, so that could use some work. I like Mulgrath's take of splitting the mixing portion and chasing portion into two different games, would let you flesh out both concepts better. If not, I would consider maxing the ingredients you mix at the start to affect the chase gameplay in some way. So you can make powerups through different combinations. Just some food for thought.