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So far as much as i saw -which isn't a lot actually- This game was pretty good. It looked very nice, with surprisingly good graphics and sounds.

All in all This game was very well-made, and i would like to thank the creator for such an emotional roalercoaster, It was fun, sad, and amazing. thank you rausmutt!!

Ok now:                    

                               !!!! SPOILERS !!!!!

Before this start: this is just what i feel and don't take it seriously.

Burry's backstory was very emotional and sad and i felt like i was really there with him. Especially the part when he found luke and then shelter.

I can't believe that i felt all of that from Barry's route alone played once that is, and i think i got a pretty good ending -lucky!- I can't wait to try the other routes, 

To be honest i really like Alon, but I can't shake the feeling that the blackout was because of him, was there anything in the - previously undiscovered (unaccessibled)- room which held the way to avoid blackouts that Alon wanted, why did he try to steal the access cards?, if he knew what a gun is why didn't he tell anyone, they are in a litteral meletary base they could have done a lot with that knowledge alone, why did he apologize to luke before disappearing, so many questions unanswered, 

but i like it, i will update my comment when i continue on with other routes. Or i'll writer another one who knows.

Now, remember to always take care of yourselves, Peace. awoooo!