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Suggestions for you:

- An evil leader option

- Make Moss-shadow, Cookie, and Ashtail mate options

- Make a nursery in the fair if you have kits in the fair

- Maybe visit Fallenclan and have Tansystar or her sister as a mate option?

- Black, ginger, and blue pelt colors? Genetically accurate pelt colors? Old beta designs of Sliverstone ( Willowstone ) as playable skins?

Oh, and maybe assign mentors to your kits? Like if you're leader, you can manually assign your kits mentors? Or like if your kits become apprentices under Bramblestar's rule, you have the chance of mentoring an apprentice? Because sometimes I want to mentor my own apprentices, makes the experience more fun

Oh, and maybe being able to choose your eye color? Like, the pupils would be a different sprite than the cat, and you could adjust the color and saturation and brightness of the eyes like in over borders, just a thought.


That might be hard considering the hard work put into this



(1 edit)

I also wanted different pelt colors too like tawny, blue gray, and golden.