Yeah, I don't like it but I get it. A large part of the reason I (and basically everyone in my family) use a Mac is the much higher level of built-in quality-control and bug/malware resistance, and you can't have it both ways - you can't make it easier for people to muck about with the software while also making it harder for people to muck about with the software.
I've been accumulating reasons to figure out an emulator or get a second computer, though, so maybe I'll get around to that one of these days.
It really is fascinating. I wish there were more resources on this subject. I've been studying the history of the conflict recently, and (like everything) it just keeps getting more complex the deeper I go. Maybe that generates enough demand for an English translation of Inbari's book! (Or maybe I'm statistically the only person whose response to world events is to actually study the history behind them before making a judgement, as the state of Twitter discussions would suggest. We'll see, I guess.)