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(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback, I tried to save time and modifed an existing a player controller from the assest store and unfortunately it broke the night before the deadline and nothing worked except moving left and right, so I didn't have a game any more. 
I lost days worth of work on enemies, and animations,  etc. 
so I had to completely rebuild the player controller and  all the scriptes for the player from scratch, and rebuild the bandit. 

I had to scrap blocking  because it no longer was working correctly still and the new bugs that created prevented me from fixing the ladders which used to work
I had to drop an entire level from the game as well, I had to scrap enemies and so much stuff just to deliver less than what I already had working, UI/Health. Everything I did for this game, turned in to a buggy mess.   

I have a new appreciation and understanding for game developers now haha