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(1 edit)

Can i play this on Linux? I want to play this but i dont have Windows.

If not what Game Engine are you using and can you add Linux Compatibility?

I tried to start it trough Shellscript but i got this error

Thank you in Advance

I'm not sure how to make it compatible with Linux, RPGM has an option to export it to it but I'm not sure if it actually works. Gonna go give it a look and if it doesn't take much time I'll do it.

Thank you. 

As far as i know it can work trough Shell script but i dont exactly know how.

I'm in the same position, but on a Mac. Any hope on that front?

(1 edit) (+1)

you could try the tool Crossover or Whisky. Linux got Proton(On Steam) and Wine.

Both Linux Programs works just fine for me.


Did some research; apparentely, I need a Mac to port it there... So, yeah, probably won't have a Mac port in a long time (if ever).