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So eh, about that affection level. I was building up another overall feedback report, but the affection system was being really weird.

I wanted to see if Hiranobu Amariko wasn't possessed anymore so I crafted some apples. I could see a gain from even just 1 item now, although there still isn't much of a visual at the very start. But the important part is once I gave enough to level up the game just softlocked. After testing several characters, this happened with a few others.

Besides Amariko there was
Arino Izumi
Hoshimeki Akima
and Senri Utsuki

They all softlocked on the first affection level up and it did the weirdest thing. My computer has 2 monitors and when the softlock happened, the game would switch to my second one when restarted from the softlock. I could then give an item to get the affection level up properly but this happened for each listed character while the rest did not have this problem. I was getting the game to switch between monitors to see if it had anything to do with the softlock, but it seemed to happen on both, and the sucessfull level up also happened on both, but each softlock always switched the game to my secondary monitor after a reset.

I think in one really weird instance after Izumi's softlock, I was grinding the raid boss for more gold to makes apples but when I cleared the mission, the reward drop was double and there was also 2 of each character gaining exp. It didn't look like a visual glitch either, because It showed Rin at two different levels. Maybe it was reading the old save data? I coulden't get this bug to happen again.

After testing all characters for the softlock I tried to reset the game to confirm if the same characters would give the bug, except the erase progress button didn't do anything because it looks like the game is saving differently. I'd see the old save data would be cleared but my current progress was still the same. However it seems the game really is reading a few things from the old save data because loading up an old save backup would still change the character selection during the mission screen to who I had in the party during the time.

I'm not really tech savy enough to figure out where and how the new save system works so that's about all I can test. Though this is why I think an in-game cheat menu for now would be useful for testing lol

A few final notes from this experience.

Its probably not that important but a graphics setting menu would be appreciated for people like me with more then one monitor. I manged to find a workaround to get the game to move back but yea.

The crafting system could use a multiple crafting button so making a bunch of apples and things isn't as tedious, also theres a visual bug where the material count does not update when an item is crafted.

The character selection screen still needs the ability to move party members around instead of removing the entire party and selecting each character again.

If possible a predicted affection and even normal exp gain would be convenient when giving gifts and level up books.

And finally, I can confirm Amariko isn't possessed anymore :3

Thank you so much for your feedback, Seriel! Currently, I'm addressing minor issues, and the changes to some game features will come in the next major update. I apologize if it's not what you were expecting, but with the holidays approaching, I won't have much time to sit down and work for extended hours to make changes or add specific functions. For now, I'll be releasing patches to fix bugs. I must admit that some errors were quite random and challenging to reproduce, but that's the magic of being an indie developer! :D.

Right now, I'm building a new patch that will be released shortly, and I hope to have addressed some of the issues that have been discussed these days.

It's great to know that Amariko is no longer possessed, hahaha! It was actually an animation error and was easy to fix. Phew!

Lastly, I'll see what I can do regarding how you run the game with two monitors. Unity doesn't mention anything about it in its configuration. It might be related to the fact that I don't allow the game to run in windowed fullscreen mode. Perhaps I should enable it. I'll do that, and you can let me know how it goes :3

Cool thanks! That two monitor problem is really weird, the game always ran properly on the main screen but that bug kept wanting it to be my second screen. I almost thought Amariko was just super cursed when it happened XD