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(1 edit)

There are different ways to look at it. It's fair to say that people could invest the time and go through devlogs and comments to see the current state of a game. But a good number of people also look at the front page to see if it's a work in progress, a demo, a small but basically finished indie game, and so on and so forth. So, the front page should give at least a somewhat concise summary of the game's current state. The blame doesn't lie solely with the devs, but it's equally not right to blame people for not wanting to spend time digging through logs and comments when the front page is - at first glance at least - well-managed and informative. Something simple like "This is an early (or relatively early) alpha build for our game that's still WIP. Here, have a roadmap or a short summary of already implemented systems. Otherwise, look at our latest development logs" would already help increase transparency and give people a 'fair warning' and a gentle nudge to look more into it if they are unsure.
The things currently on the front page don't do that and give off the vibe of a much more complete game. By which, I don't mean to imply it is done purposefully to lure people in or anything along those lines. It was probably done to share this game's goals and ideas. The problem is it can be very easily misinterpreted as intent and drive people away. Which I would like to prevent because I think this game could be great. Putting just a little more information and transparency on the front page can reduce that risk and show that the developers care about clear communication with this game's (potential) buyers and the people who follow their progress. Yes, it's a little extra work to put in, but it gives off a better feeling and can help increase trust in this project and the devs.