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In shadows deep where darkness weaves, 

Where evil stirs and malice cleaves,

 There stands a band with arrows keen,

 The narrow ones, their courage seen.

Through twilight's hush, they silently tread, 

Bravery whispers in every thread, 

Their archers' hearts, a flame untamed,

 In the war against evil, they're named.

In woods so dense, where moonlight gleams,

 They navigate like spectral dreams, 

Narrow archers, faces veiled, In their eyes,

 determination hailed.

Each arrow drawn from slender bow,

 A testament to the courage they sow, 

Against the tide of shadows bold, 

They stand as guardians, fierce and cold.

Through the battlefield, a whispered wind, 

Stories of their valor, how they've thinned 

The ranks of darkness, one by one, 

Their bravery shining like the sun.

In the face of fear, they find their might, 

A symphony of courage in the night,

Their archery, a dance of fate,

 Defenders of realms, their duty great.

Oh, narrow ones with hearts so vast, 

In the war against evil, steadfast, 

Your courage echoes in the trees, 

A melody that floats on the breeze.

So sing we now of narrow might, 

Archers in the moonlit night, 

Their bravery, an eternal hymn, 

Against the forces dark and grim.

Today the archer Zephyr has been defeated, 

The priest devil has got him, it's too late to save him but... 

His companions must fight forever for him.

Already the war has gone on, but his name is sung on the battlefields... 

O zephyr In azure fields, where dreams fly,

The zephyr weaves its tapestry of light.

With soft whispers, it paints the air,

An unparalleled symphony of courage.


                                                                              ; Zephyr.

thats a good one :D

