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Just wondering if you are gonna finish sheer happiness? 

No, I'm sorry. I have no plans for that game. I have added some explanation at the end of Undying Will, and also on my Patreon.

probably should wonder if this one will be done to :D


That's the plan, but I don't know the future. If I won't be able to continue I'll get you know.

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yeah...sorry if i dont trust u much on this, when u did no told us before :-)

I don't blame you. I can only apologize to you. I'm sorry.

nah we dont need apology (but thx anyway), we want game...but we will see in future where this one will go i gues

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entitled SOB! you should be thankful for OP hard work and dedication.


entitled simp! dedication u say? :D

dedication : the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.