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(2 edits)

I appreciate the in-depth explanation, but it doesn't really solve the main issue. All of the values are set to 1 when the game boots, and are changed as the game is play. Cool, exactly what we want, but, those valves are wiped when the game is secured. Therefore you would have to read though... 20,000ish words to unlock the secret end... in one sitting, or leave a dubious webpage up until your next "reading" session. If the game had a save system, it would work perfectly, but as mentioned before, absolute pain to set up.
Currently, this is the macros used to achieve the unlock:

(if:(history: where its name contains "=")'s length >= 1) +

(if:(history: where its name contains "/")'s length >= 1) +

(if:(history: where its name contains "#")'s length >= 1) 


It basically does the same thing, just using history instead of values. That's why you can't hit the back key after finding them: it undoes the history of the game.  

Like I said, thank you for the assist (I have it saved for later,) it'll all be moot in the next update.