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There's one downgrade in the full version compared with the demo: it's no longer possible to define Caps Shift as the jump key (which I want to do…). Could this be fixed, please? Thanks.

I was 110% sure no one, not one single soul, would notice that change. Clearly I was wrong ;)


Give the latest version a go ;)

Wonderful! Thanks very much indeed! This makes all the difference! :-)

If you're wondering why I care… when using an emulator on a modern keyboard, the right-hand Shift key is perfect for 'jump'. I typically choose either Q, W, Shift (JSW-style) or Z, X, Shift. I don't like using the space bar for 'jump' as it's too big and clumsy, but a regular key like M is too small for a one-handed function. The right-hand Shift key is just perfect.