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Not gonna lie, I downloaded this for something to wank to and holy shit, I was not prepared for how utterly drawn in I'd get by the story. I can't even begin to explain how moved, touched, and seen this made me feel. I just finished and my emotions are... so complicated. 

It's an emotional rollercoaster, but I very much appreciated the handling of heavy and emotionally charged subjects - invariably honest, but only sometimes brutally so. It doesn't feel like punches were pulled, but it feels like there's an intrinsic kindness and gentleness to the storytelling itself, and to the reader through it. It never preaches, it tells a story of deep dynamic characters finding their way through they own lives, but in a way that's just... so fucking identifiable it's almost creepy. Not all of their lessons are for me, but a few of them definitely were, and I'm immensely grateful I found this.

And now, since this comment is one of the most honest things I've said online in a while and I'm starting to overthink it (okay, I started to overthink it... probably literally over half an hour ago), it's time to just post it 😊


yo, thanks a lot for checking in and letting me know what you thought. i'm glad you appreciated the depth as well as how some of the heavy issues in the game were discussed and handled. I've stated before but I'll also reiterate that these situations and the opinions and perspectives are central to these characters so they're in no way a sample of the "right" way to do things; but they are an example of "a way" that worked in these situations for these guys. So please take what you feel applies and leave the rest. I'm glad it didn't come off as preaching, tho, that was definitely a goal  to try and walk that balance. 

and dont worry about the overthinking. i literally wrote like a 15 hours story on overthinking; suffice to say I'm well-versed in the art :p   I'm glad you posted tho and reading your experience means a lot to me so thank you for sharing and thank you for reading. If you haven't already, be sure to check out the revamp, i promise it's way better from the very start. all the best to you and those you care about <3