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(1 edit) (+3)

again i say, i never really simped over anyone else but alcina, BUT THIS GAME CHANGED ME IM COMING FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY BRUH.

i feel like the developers got the characterization for everyone spot on yk. and the side characters too like elena, finch, avery, etc i was invested in their stories too ykyk, seriously this is a great game frfr.  (also the filipino rep IM HERE FOR IT)

(spoiler from here on)

I high key hated miranda in every other route EXCEPT HERS, god i never  saw what people saw in her UNTIL THIS GAME DUDE FRFR. AND DONNA OH MY LORDDDDDDDD SHES SO CUTE 

(also im avoiding doing the bad ending for miranda because im scared LOL) 

each route got me blushing and giggling n shiz.. i cant even choose my favorite anymore. again you all did a wonderful job on this game, left me longing for more.