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i really like crowe's new design! (no, i've not played the demo, but i searched it and crowe definitely looks better than he did!)

i also wanted to play Killer Trait, but learned that only the demo is available and it won't be free... wish i had the money T_T 

i know i'm being really shameless about being disappointed, cause Ant's drawings are MAJESTIC! i really appreciate this game being free and i TOTALLY fell in love with this

aspen is a really honest and sweet person! i really love them <3 i love how you express your characters' emotions so well!

i know i don't need to say this, but GOD I LOVE CROWE SO MUCH IM CRYING T_T (including his red flags obv) 

i really love how there are NO bad ends (i consider the yandere ending as happy :)) and obviously, i got it in the first try (you know, my special ability)

now, to the game!

this game built up the mystery really well and i love teasing-types too!

i literally felt aspen when they closed their eyes and stayed still when crowe was just removing the eyelash from their cheek (god i'm so embarrassed to share this *///*)

anyway, i LOVE THE CGS!!!! like, they're just so majestic!!!!!!

all the endings were really good as i mentioned before! my favourite was the yandere (yes) ending and after that, the twisted (yes) end! i'm not saying there was a problem (girl are you sure?) with the ending...



* was kinda cheesy but not in a bad way i swear! i really liked his non-red eyes CG and how he smiled at me (yes, i like referring to aspen as me, you know... what i mean?) he's just so adorable T_T

the twisted ending, as i mentioned was really sweet and ofc i really loved the CG at the end!

i wish you would participate in the game jams more frequently...

n-no, no, i'm a-absolutely not saying this to play more of your free g-games, o-okay...? just saying this s-so you don't misunderstand! okay?


anyway, i appreciate your work... though i don't have any money <3