It's really pretty and it's a great idea, but needs a lot of work. Here's some of my feedback.
- I HATE the stamina mechanic, because it makes breaking stuff super slow and killing enemies nearly impossible without dying over and over
- enemies do too much damage and take forever to kill
- I can't see behind anything and it's super annoying
- I wish I could hold down the mouse to break a tree instead of clicking over and over and then losing all my stamina
- I found this bug where a ghoul pushed me through a wall
- This needs a wiki or something, because I have no idea what I'm doing or what certain things do lol
- It takes too much inspiration from Terraria, especially the GUI
- Showing a grid when placing stuff might help with aligning it a bit better since the game is isometric and I get kind of confused sometimes
- This isn't an issue but did you make the inventory open/close sounds with your mouth? lol
BTW the fact this is made with pygame is really cool and I wonder if you'll add mod support, because python is one of the languages I know pretty well.