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i just bug fixed so i hope some of the problems are resolved. I haven't seen a white square though. Explain?

There was just this small white square, which I first assumed was a stray particle. I took more notice it when I saw it was rotating when I rotated, and in the same way too. It looked like one of the stars in the intro, if you need a description.

Since I never made it past the first room, I found it there.

Just downloaded the newest version. Sadly, I still don’t know how to move forward.

Clearly, something is just wrong on my end.


Ok, I made what I hope will be the last bug fix, I playtested it myself, but I don't see a white square anywhere. 

All the cutscenes and controls work like I wanted it to, so I guess it is something on your end.


I can't seem to move forward either.