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The highlights for me were the art and animations.

The attacks in battles are missing a sense of impact and are really difficult, possibly because the enemy can outmaneuver you and aren't pushed back by anything. I think you could solve that just by adding a knockback mechanic and <THWACK> sound so that you can keep them at bay.

I have a hard time clearly relating it to the theme of the jam, but that may be because I didn't make it far enough in the short play to see the whole story. If that's the case I'd love to see a patch come that just makes it easier to progress, then maybe it will be clearer.

Overall a SUPER cute game with a lot of charm. I'd love to come back to this before the jam ends and be able to get a little further.


(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for playing and reviewing our game!!

As the dev for all the combat elements I totally agree, I really wish I had time to add particle effects, more thumpy hit sounds and knockback, I think it would have made combat way more balanced and impact-y like you said- will probably end up continuing to work on the game to add nice touches like this after the jam ends :)

I don't want to spoil anything, but yeah, that's correct- you pretty much need to beat the game to really get the overall theme

Thanks again and I'm excited to check out your game!