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Hey! So I've been trying to play this for probably half an hour at this point and it seems that sometimes the options on the bottom left just...don't show up?

I noticed it when I tried the tutorial but wanted to check the rest of the game and it kept happening throughout, to the point I can't progress past certain parts, I'm using firefox to play

Argh :( I'm sorry that must have been super frustrating. I'm fixing it now, I'll have an update out as soon as I find where that's gone wrong!

Thanks very much for letting me know

Hey!  I've fixed the problem and uploaded a version where the buttons appear properly.  If you're interested I rearranged the order of calls when entering a map space to let me do a little more complex things that I needed for the banquet plot (spoilers?) and that ended up ignoring option buttons sometimes because I didn't think it through properly.

Awesome! I'll have to check it out again!! Thanks for the update!!!