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Great game so far. I'm enjoying it a lot, actually. There were a few things I noticed that kinda stand out though, some times the words are wrong. Like you use Sensible instead of Sensitive. Nothing super major and obviously with it being early progress and such I'm sure things will get polished out a lot more!

I would like to make two suggestions though. 1. A 'time of day' indicator, unless I'm blind and missing one somewhere. You know like have it say somewhere 'Morning, Noon, Evening, Night' etc. 2. have 'wait' increase the time of day by one stage instead of jumping straight to night. It's been sad some days when there isn't much to do to pass the time and then I have to milk my cows but by hitting 'wait' it jumps to night and you can't do it!

Glad you liked and sorry for the typos :D
1 I thought that the changes in the images would be enough to tell which turn you were on
2 I will fix that in the next patch

Oh no worries. Typos are bound to happen, but if nobody points them out then they can be easily over looked. Proof reading and all that and I'm sure it's easier for us to see them than you can while looking at all the other stuff you have to put together. Those ones just stuck out to me because it was kinda funny. "My nipples are so sensible." made me chuckle, but in a fun way not a 'this is bad' kinda way. If that makes sense.

As for the images, honestly, I can only tell day and night. But that might be my own issues, I'm not color blind but my color recognition isn't what it should be and they tend to blur together. Like we have a blanket, my wife swears is green, but it's gray to me.

And thanks so much for listening about the wait thing! It'll be very nice to pass time like that!


Im inclined to agree on the cant tell part. I have 7 energy per day right now and the day time looks exactly the same through out the uses of all 7 energy. 

There are just small variations for each image, exteriors are easy since you can see the sky but for interiors most differences are on the lights and such