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strike? What happened in your country? 😨🥺

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Holy crap I didn't expect this to be so long, there's a TLDR at the bottom.

Our current president has been a dick since he got elected, there's a shit ton of crappy facts about him but I'll just start with the basics;

 First of all he's an ex drug dealer who forged his certificates which is pretty alarming, next he rigged his way into the presidential seat of power and the judiciary is already in his back pocket and finally he just recently budget about $38 million for a "Presidential yacht"(Fucking insanity), $1,770,580 for the first lady (WTF?) and $71,793,619 to by expensive cars for all senate members while ignoring the labour union's demand to increase the national minimum wage to $140 per month(With a fuck ton of conditions for this proposed increase of course).

While these are the problems with him individual, the labour union and it's various affiliates have been fighting for better working and compensation systems for years now but the government continuously ignores them. Every year they strike at least twice but they either get threatened or paid off.

This year the trigger was a preplanned Assault on the Unions president by thugs but somehow it has been one of the shortest strikes in it's history.

My country became even more of a shit show than usual 8 years ago but this current presidential crook has decided to surpass the corrupt limits of the previous one.

In summary; currently president is a crook, spends the national budget like it's inheritance money and refuses to answer the sensible requests of the labour unions (Also labour union president got beat up by thugs but no one really cares about that.)

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Oh my gosh, this must be terrible for your people. I can’t believe the government and power organizations in your country could be controlled by that tyrant so easily. Hope you will be fine soon.🥺

Thanks. I'm currently at a place with electricity so I'll be posting a progress update by tomorrow morning.