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Hey thanks for the comment Magicsofa, that's ok if you don't have a controller, and yea the size is 100mb because of the soundtrack. 

At first the music files where .wav format and took almost 2gb of the game so I had to convert them to .mp3 which took way less space but yea 100mb is still quite larger.

Ah, it says in the description "A game pad or controller is required to play the game.", you might want to specify that keyboard works too!

So I did try the game and only got to the section with the crumbling blocks... basically just a few screens after the first "on/off" platforms. I kept wanting to press X to jump (or was it Z? whichever was not dash) as I am just used to that kind of setup, it would be nice to be able to change the controls or at least have jump/dash right next to each other. Anyway the precision needed for the obstacles is pretty high for me on a continuous run. I wished that there was a save-point after the screen with the four on/off platforms.

Also, at the very beginning I had the option of selecting Level 1, 2, or 3, but after I had started playing there was no way to go back? (did they need to be unlocked anyway?)

Thanks for the comment Magicsofa! I had actually forgot that I added keyboard input in the game as it was just used for testing :P

I did cater the game to be played with a controller for better precision but I will probably go back and add proper keyboard input to the game. As for the save-points, initially when creating the game I had check points at the start of every room, so that when you die it would not be a significant deal, like Celeste. But then the check points had a huge bug that I discovered after I was close to finishing the game and since this was my first game I honestly did not know what to do, so I chucked the check points making it much harder definitely. For the level selection, levels 2 and 3 are disabled. Once you beat level 1, level 2 can be played, and once level 2 is beat you can play level 3.

I apologize for the many imperfections of the game, but I do thank you for your feedback! This comment means a lot to me, thank you!