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Loved it! I'm usually not an emotional person, but this story just hit different; a good kind of different. I'm definitely going to subscribe and start reading the revamp. If at all possible, I would love to have more added to the epilogue. I think the story and message behind everything is magnificent, but I totally had several questions when it ended. I'm looking forward to seeing all the changes! You guys are awesome. 

Also, thank you for staying connected, listening, and engaging in comments. Many authors don't, and it makes our loyalty and passion for the story grow when you do. I greatly appreciate it.


yeah, your'e supposed to have some questions really or fill those blanks in yourself. however you wanna piece it together. Also, thanks for the kind words about me being connected. i think it's important for the creator to take an active role with the community. i have no idea why more devs don't-- other than just being arrogant-- which i have no use for. I'm just a regular dude trying to figure this thing out and people have been very kind in supporting the project or leaving nice comments and stuff over the years and i'm grateful for that. least i can do is answer them back and say thank you <3


We appreciate it! You have created an amazing story, and love everything about it. <3


thank you very much. i seriously appreciate it