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Jashin, i want to give some suggestion about the game over animation of the dog

I'll give some small critics.

first, the camera angle of the animation is too... Common... Pretty much can be found very commonly... From below and behind...

I want to give some small suggestion about the issue. How about you change the position into the side view. There are few good aspect that you can find if you use the side angle camera.

First, the mating position from the side. Where her entrance's view was blocked by her thight. It will increase curiosity and making us imahining of what's actually it was look like. By using the side view too, you can add a slighly visibe x-ray too like the one you've made. But, by making it sideview, viewers can see how deep the dog's member went in, the knot, and the actual size of it. By using the side angle, you can also add the final scene where the dog using knotting position to syahata where the dog filled her completely.

I see that the gameover scene of the dog you've recently upload are not as satisfying as i expected. Take a look at the gameover scene of the futa female student. That's my reference about this suggestion.

And last, to make it even intriguing, add a small window of the view of syahata's entrance from below. Where we can see the dog's member slide in and knotting inside. Slightly making the area around pubic hair bulging because of the knot.

Adding cum inflation as the dog stay in mating position also a great idea i think...

Also, she don't have to be fully naked to add more erotic aura of the scene...

Making her look very vulnerable....

I think, that's all i can say about the dog's gameover scene you recently release...

I hope you read this and considering it..

Thank you for making such intriguing game... 👌

(2 edits) (+1)

first of all the angle are common for a good reason it gives the player/viewer a good pov cuz we get to see everything in one angle and it just very attractive too

also dont you think using the same angle for the 2nd time kinda boring i mean every enemy get thier own game over that unique for them, you may argue that the dog angle are not really unique since it common but its not like there are several of it in this game it is brand new to syahata bad day

also what you mean with “are not as satisfying as i expected" it literally just a single image 

also every GO cut scene are pretty long with many phase so calling a single image of an unfinished cutscenes not as satisfying is just too early 

Thanks for the suggestion (o゜▽゜)o☆